They say, “No pain, no gain.”
But does that mean you should be sore or tight after working out?
It's expected for our muscles to ache a bit after working out. But we don't have to take the pain head on. There are some things to ease the pain.
Doing exercises for flexibility before and after a workout provides great relief from post-workout stiffness.
So, let’s look to even further delay DOMS delayed onset muscle soreness) with some great static and dynamic stretches that’ll leave you feeling amazing.
Dynamic Exercises for Mobility
Dynamic exercises are those that involve joint movement.
The movement allows you to feel the stretch without making you injury-prone during a workout like static stretches do.
Do these exercises before your workout, and make sure to go to your full range of motion.
1. Body Squat:
With your feet a little wider than shoulders and facing forward, sit back into a chair position with a flat, angled back. Do this twenty times, or for thirty seconds.
Option: hold a 5-10 lb. dumbbell between both hands as you do so, keeping elbows locked.
2. Cat/Cow:
Get in a tabletop position, on your hands and knees on a mat.
“Cat” is when you curl your back, peeling your shoulder blades away from each other while firmly pushing away from the ground with straight arms.
Dip your belly while raising your head and tailbone for “Cow.” Do these exercises back-to-back for thirty seconds. This exercise is great for warming up the thoracic spine.
3. Lunge:
Step forward into a lunge. With the back leg, slowly lower and touch the ground with your knee. Repeat on the other side. Do this at least ten times each side.
This exercise is especially great for runners.
Static Exercises for Flexibility
These static exercises are great for cooling down after a session and require little to no movement.
4. Banded Hamstring:
Lay down flat on your back. Use a long band to wrap your foot and hold with your hands. With a straight leg, pull the band back until you reach that point between effort and ease.
Keep a slight bend in the knee to avoid pain or injury. Repeat 2-3 times on both sides for about 30 seconds each.
5. Pigeon Pose:
While on the ground, allow one leg to lie straight behind you while the other is in front of you at a 45-degree angle.
If you can keep your front leg parallel to a mat, this allows for a deeper stretch. However, your heel can come back towards your body for a less intense option.
Lean your body over your front leg and feel your hips sing!
6. Forward Fold:
Fold your body in half over your legs. Keep a slight bend in the knees to avoid pulling a muscle. Grab opposite elbows and lightly swing back and forth.
This is a great stretch for those with back pain.
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Six Best Stretching Exercises for Flexibility