Good Day - and welcome to April's edition of Final Friday Favorites.
Each month, I look at all of our posts and pick my Five Favorites.......some are from us...this month, most are from you!
Let the countdown begin...
#5. Waffles are just pancakes with abs!
This post is silly.....but it did bring a smile to my face. I think I will always look at both pancakes and waffles a bit differently now!

#4 Have you met Daniel?
This is an Instagram story, so you are only seeing a screen shot, but it shows Daniel in his car taking Oh!mino, then hitting the gym. We even get to see buddy Ron workout, too! These guys own THE Sports Nutrition Shop in New Mexico....hard to believe, but yes, Oh!mino is in one mall in America. If you are ever in Albuquerque, New Mexico check out Pure Muscle Nutrition.

3. A Shout Out by Dr. John?
This post is from John Micaletti...I refer to him as his nick name "Doc"....not only a Doctor, but a professional body builder. He started taking Oh!mino after a surgery. He couldn't workout, so he drank Oh!mino like crazy to preserve his muscle (which he works so hard on). Good news - it worked...and once he started working out again, he had the most efficient and productive muscle building workout he has ever accomplished. That says a lot! In this post he is supporting his friends who sell Oh!mino....

2. April Fools!
This one I thought was going to be #1, but last minute the "Gentleman in me" thought to take a back seat to the number one post. This post made lemonade out of lemons. When we bottled up some capsules, a few went upside issue...I donated them to my favorite high school wrestler (I am a huge fan of youth sports!). I decided to keep one as a future April Fool's joke (you have to plan these out...right?). So, a lucky Oh!mino user received this...they haven't claimed it yet, but we are ready with a $50 gift card!

1. Have you met Melissa?
Our number one post for April! As they say, ladies first. Melissa is a personal trainer that uses Oh!mino....and now has most of her clients on it! She is from the south and has the cutest accent! She is strong and a big believer in Oh!mino.

If you are a professional trainer, coach, gym owner etc., we should talk! Reach out to me at and we can talk about our professional programs.
Stay fit my friend!
Founder & CEO