PFT’s and Oh!mino®
Train harder — recover more quickly with Oh!mino Pre Workout, Intra Workout, & Posty Workout
Everyone desires a dream body and a fantastic muscular build. For some, it is looking like Arnold, while for o,thers it is looking like Beckham. But not everyone puts in the effort required to accomplish true transformation. Additionally, not everyone knows how difficult it is to maintain that shape once you have achieved it. You might think that you understand fitness, but only those who get the privilege of proper guidance and training will truly stand out among the rest.
The Biggest Challenge for Beginners
The challenge for most beginners who want to transform their bodies is direction. Most people become are very enthusiastic in the initial days of training, only to end up losing interest after a couple of weeks. And, then there are some who blindly hit the weights, but stay deprived of the proper guidance required to build a muscular body including nutritional. The fact remains that it is always better to train under the supervision of an expert in this field.
Feel the difference with Oh!Mino — the leading essential amino acid line in the sports nutrition industry!
Body transformation requires dedication which cannot be taken for granted especially if you intend to workout regularly. Regardless of being in the gym, your garage, at Crossfit, being an elite athlete or amateur, or just wanting to get rid of extra body fat, a Personal Fitness Trainer (PFT) must be considered. It’s your best option and to your overall benefit. As a newcomer to this activity, you’re probably unaware of the body dynamics and step-by-step approach involved in transforming your flappy body to a fabulous one; your trainer is well versed in all of this and is the best option to receive proper guidance and keep yourself accountable.
Hire a Trainer
If you have the dedication, a PFT can make a greater impact in less time without wasting your energy. If you have the desire and resources, working with a PFT every week will show dramatic results. Their guidance will ensure that you get the most out of your training hours. When selecting a PFT, make sure they understand whatever you put in your body is just as important, if not more, than the exercise program that the two of you develop. If you cannot afford a personal trainer every week — try monthly. If you lack the resources for monthly, hire one at least once every three months to create your custom quarterly fitness plan. And lastly, if you do not have the means for one quarterly, seek out a workout buddy. A good buddy system will keep you motivated and accountable and it is always good to have a spotter behind your back!
The Need for Motivation
Bodybuilders and elite athletes all around the world need a regular incentive and boost to keep surviving through their rigorous routines and exhausting training hours. And, the choice of your PFT is very crucial. You should be selective; choose someone who you think will actually keep you motivated both physically and mentally, someone who has an ideal body himself/herself that make you and keeps you motivated. Simply put, hire someone who is walking the walk, not just talking the talk. Remember, the more you are inspired, the more likely you are to reach your goals. As mentioned before, make sure your PFT has a holistic approach to fitness that includes nutrition, other forms of exercise, and someone who can be hard core for quick benefits, but fun in the long-term.
What do the Best PFT’s Accomplish?
Another reason to hire a PFT is for their ability to provide a specialized program suited for unique body needs. PFTs never hesitate to incorporate new innovations and techniques into training programs. A professional PFT puts you on the track of effective muscle training and enhanced performance. A good PFT will never advise you to take shortcuts to achieve your health goals, but rather train you to stay patient and consistent, meanwhile augmenting your training with other useful factors like dietary supplements, proper nutrition, schedule setting, and program building to get faster results.
The Best Performance Supplement - Amino Acids
When it comes to performance supplements, a professional PFT has a knack of sensing which product is effective and which is a waste of money. Oh!mino® Muscle Synthesis Activator is the latest performance supplement that has robust science behind it. The unique patented composition of Oh!mino® thrives on optimized essential amino acids and its ability to boost muscle synthesis 11 times greater than whey protein supplements*. When compared to BCAAs (Branched Chain Amino Acids), science suggests that Oh!mino®is 20 times more effective in producing muscle synthesis*. I am not here to bad mouth BCAAs, they are essential amino acids, but science has shown that BCAAs are incomplete without the presence of the entire mix of essential amino acids.*
Oh!mino®- A Success Story
The success story of Oh!mino®Muscle Synthesis Activator has convinced many athletes and their PFT’s to make this amazing product a part of their professional and personal routines. When you hear muscle building experts, you realize that it can only be recommended after first-hand experience and not only brand hype (although it does live up to its reputation). Unlike other regular supplements, Oh!mino® has a wide range of consumers due to its sugar-free, gluten-free, and calorie-free nature. It accommodates vegetarians due to its vegan-friendly ingredients. It comes in both a caffeinated version, as well as, stimulant-free options.
With Oh!mino® Muscle Synthesis Activator, a professional PFT can do wonders by combining it with his or her training expertise and a fully motivated client. If you are that lucky aspirant with an unshakeable dedication, you are just one step away from your dream body. All you have to add in your diet is Oh!mino® and let your PFT guide you to success. It's the perfect combo! Not only will you be able to increase the endurance capacity of your muscles, but also maintain an optimum electrolyte balance along with faster muscle recovery during the extensive training exercises.*
Up your workout with amino acids in Oh!Mino!
The proof of Oh!mino® being the evergreen, first-hand choice for both active and non-active individuals can be appreciated by the results of the research sponsored by NASA. They found that the exact ratio of essential amino acids found in Oh!mino® decreased muscle wasting in study participants that were on bedrest!* Unbelievable, but true.
Attention All Trainers – We Are Looking For the Best of the Best!
With the support from a few of the best fitness trainers in the world, Oh!mino® is sure to become one of the best tools that trainers in the fitness community can use for the benefit of their clients. Taking this accreditation to the next step, the team behind Oh!mino is looking for the best PFT’s from all over the country to join our movement. We are working on our certification program for Oh!mino fitness trainers. With Oh!mino®, we aim to build up a promising future with the best trainers – and this is not limited to PFTs, we are calling all yoga instructors, cyclists, tennis instructors, hiking group leaders, strength and conditioning coaches and anyone else that is entrusted in maximizing athletic performance and personal transformation…we want you!
*This statement has not been evaluated buy the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease.