Product Testimonials
As Seen On Men's Journal
This Muscle Synthesis Activator Is 11x More Efficient Than Protein Powder
By Tom Lorenzo

Looking for a good workout drink that'll fuel you up before and after a workout? There's a lot of options out there that you could pick up. But in our eyes, the Oh!mino Muscle Synthesis Activator should be at the top of that list. Because this is 11x more effective than most protein powders out there.
This Oh!mino Muscle Synthesis Activator is so chock full of all the amino acids you need that you will be roaring with the nutrients you need to hit the gym to the best of your ability. Beforehand, you'll be full of energy to go hard. Afterward, you'll be recovering at a better rate and recovering with stronger muscles.
Another added benefit of this Oh!mino Muscle Synthesis Activator is that it is good for everybody. There's no dairy in here and it is very vegan friendly. There's no sugar or carbs to be found, same for GMO's. And it's got no calories, so it's not going to affect your diet for the day. All it's here to do is fuel you up just right.
This tastes pretty damn good as well. Plenty of protein powders and the like are not that great to ingest. More focused on function than presentation. But this is a good balance of both, so you can enjoy the fuel you're ingesting that's going to make your workouts a much easier proposition.
So if you're looking to get yourself a new protein powder to deal with during the day, we think the Oh!mino Muscle Synthesis Activator is for you. Pick up a container of this supplement that is 11x more effective than similar products and make sure you can improve your body at the gym the right way.
As Seen On Suplemen Vimax
The Top 6 Best Pre-Workout Supplements To Try
Sean Ash
I have tried many amino acids over the years and only had one other product that worked like this one, but this one is different. I can feel my muscles have more endurance and are becoming more solid and stronger. I’m also more vascular and gained some mass. Combined with a clean diet it helps exponentially especially if you are trying to cut calories and lose fat. It works great with intermittent fasting as well and helps prevent muscle from becoming catabolic. I don’t believe in taking a ton of different supplements.
Roger Harrington
I have only been taking Oh!mino products for 10 weeks. I am working out 5 times a week and eating a clean 3 phase(Fast Metabolism diet) diet.
My workouts are: Monday/“Ladder” workout-10 movements 1, 1-2, 1-2-3,etc Tuesday/upper body circuit Wednesday/Leg circuit Thursday/1 Minute10 second rest 1 Minute circuit Friday/Partner Complete the sheet circuit
I use 2 scoops of non stimulant powder intra training. The bottle is good for 20 workouts. Goes fast and have to reorder I bought pills and have been taking a serving before and after the workouts. Doing this helps me ensure I’m getting enough of the formula to work. The only problem is that it goes fast and you have to buy more. Taste is great and it refreshing during the intense workouts.
I have lost a total of 60lbs and now weigh 240lbs. That’s right I was 300lbs. It was bad to be that out of shape and obese. I have been up and down in the fitness lifestyle. I am 6’ 01”. Male with middle heavyweight composure. Starting weight 298.4lbs On 10/11/2022 my measurements (measuring tape) Biceps 14” Chest 46.5” Leg/Thigh 22.25” Stomach 47.5” Hips 46.5”
Weight on 01/11/2022-255lbs On 01/11/2022 my measurements (measuring tape) 15” Biceps 43” Chest 23” Leg/Thigh 41” Stomach 43” Hip
I range from 242lbs to 238lbs this week I will post a results on March 14th my Birthday!!
Antonio Gibson, NFL Running Back, Washington Football Team
Just got my latest order of Oh!mino. This past season I kind of kept Oh!mino as my secret weapon…..but some secrets are too good not to share! You got to try this stuff out! It is the real deal. More energy, stamina, and muscle endurance when I workout….and less sore the next day, so I can really push it to the next level. If you want performance…this is for you. If you need recovery after you compete…this is for you!
Gary Clark, NBA Forward, Philadelphia 76ers
Pro basketball is the most demanding professional sport. Demanding on you body, mind, and soul…and what a long season. There is nothing better out there than Oh!mino. It is my go to performance supplement that helps keep me quick, strong, and keeps my body at peak levels. And as for recover, nothing compares after the game or a hard workout than a cold Oh!mino! Did I mention it’s the best for recovery and building and maintaining muscle? Grab a bottle of Oh!mino….and you can thank me later
Chris Chiozza, NBA Guard, Golden State Warriors
When I heard about Oh!mino I couldn’t wait to get my first bottle. And now after seven bottles I am hooked! The powders are fresh and clean and doesn’t leave me bloated. Unlike protein powders, the scoop is small and it mixes so easily. And as an NBA player, taking the capsules at night has been the best for my recovery after games. Any one who wants to ball needs Oh!mino!
Meet Ronnie Smith
Love your products and I've tried the all!!

I've enjoyed your products for years and continued to use your supplements even though I'm an FNX Elite Ambassador. I always see the results with your products!! I'm currently 69 years young!!! 💪💪💪

Meet Gerard Papsch

Me and my OhMino's just took a little bike ride! OATBRAN! One Awesome Tour Bike Ride Across Nevada! Done and in the books with the help of this amazing product I'm on my second year of using! I made it! Thanks Michael!
Ohmino Eastern Nevada is frigid! High altitudes and 25 degree morning rollouts in of course frosty Northern headwinds, then yes, of course, complete sweat fests on afternoon climbs to the next towns. But we finished! Super proud!
Meet William
I’m in the music Industry and I create/write/publish and license music for tv/film. It’s my passion along with working out. Loving OH mino! I did my research before buying in and this is the best out there!! Over 90% ASA!! That’s amazing!!
Meet Shearill Brown
Fitness Expert & Exercise Scientist, BS Western Michigan University
Certified Speed & Fitness Specialist
Author of “Wake Up Your Passion in Life” & DVD “Jump Interval Training”
Featured on FOX, CBS, and CW

I've been a fitness expert for the last 20 years, and I am constantly looking for new innovations to improve the fitness, health, speed, and agility for me and my clients.
When I started using Oh!mino® Muscle Synthesis activator I saw the results within the first week. Just so you know, when I workout, I go hardcore! With Oh!mino® I would play competitive basketball with everything that I had in me, and then I would have the energy to then hit the weight room and hit heavy rotations. In my 25 years of personal fitness, I was never able to do both. This product works…my muscle endurance, cardio endurance, and overall physicality improved so fast. For me, I took Oh!mino® just five minutes before workouts.
For my fitness clients, I saw dramatic results as well. My client “Suzie” is a health purist, so she used Oh!mino® Simulant Free Muscle Synthesis Activator. After just one month of both exercise and Oh!mino, she increased her lean muscle capacity to the point of losing 4% body fat, and 7 lbs of actual real fat.
My client “Steve” was in a rut. He was stuck at 22% body fat, and couldn’t get past 40lb dumbbells on the flat bench. In just 6 weeks, he moved up to 90lb dumbbells! That is more than 2x the strength before Oh!mino®. He also reduced his body fat to an outstanding 15.5%...In just 6 weeks.
All I can say about Oh!mino® is to stay consistent. Take it everyday, even on days that you don’t work out. Oh!mino® can decrease body fat, help you gain muscle, and help sustain muscle endurance.
Meet Noel Burkeen
As all of you know, I am very particular about supplement endorsements; especially when so many just seem like "marketing." I've been using Oh!Mino for an amazing amount of needed EAA's and for the Pre/Post Workout Essentials needed for muscle synthesis!! This stuff is OH!Mazing!!!
Meet Daffnee Cohen
I've been into health and fitness for most of my life. I always believe that health and fitness are simpler than we create. I rarely use supplements, powders, drinks, etc to enhance my fitness outside of standard dietary supplements. I believe in good clean food, good quality sleep, and movement!
When I first started Oh!Mino, I was a little bit skeptical and wow, was I pleasantly surprised. The difference it made in my Crossfit workouts and in my overall recovery was actually hard to believe. I was in shock at not only how quickly it worked, but how effective it was.
I was able to lift heavier weight, recording new PRs each week, do harder longer workouts without being as winded, and recover from soreness faster than ever.
Amino acids are one of the basic building blocks for a healthy life. Whether you’re a serious athlete, yogi, or just need help staying hydrated and feeling focused, this product is a must (and again, I don’t recommend much if any of these sorts of products).
-Daffnee Cohen
Zumba Instructor
CEO/Full time worker
Meet Alec
Hello, My name is Alec and I’m a boxer and runner out of Boulder, CO. I’ve been working out and doing MMA for years, but the results I was getting out of my workouts completely changed when I switched from my normal protein and BCAA combo to OH!MINO. In just four weeks I'm feeling improvement! Glad I discovered this system.
Meet Alyssa
I absolutely love Oh!mino’s entire line of products. The fact that it is vegan and contains no artificial sweeteners or GMO’s is amazing. Plus it is zero calories, carbs or sugars. It tastes great too which is just an added bonus! I am a vegetarian so it’s harder for me to build muscle, but this supplement helps me do just that, as well as get all the necessary essential aminos that I need. I take it every single day now and refuse to go a day without it! I’ve honestly noticed such a big difference since I began taking Oh!mino. I have a lot more energy and endurance during my workouts. I take the caffeinated powder when I want that extra boost, and the stimulant-free version if it’s during the evening time so I don’t have issues falling asleep. I love the capsules as well and take those at night time or during my rest days. Oh!mino is a product I highly recommend to anyone wanting to seriously increase the quality of their workouts and get those desired results fast. It’s way more effective than a protein powder and definitely the best supplement I have ever used.
Thank you so much, Oh!mino!
—Alyssa Faith
San Diego, CA
Meet Jamie
"Thank you for what I consider to be some of the best consumer care ever! Second, wow this product is amazing ... I have tried it for two days to compose a letter to let you know what the quality of this product means to someone with Addison’s disease .. I cannot wait to see over time! I love the capsules but have fallen deeply in love with Oh!mino powders .. what a great drink!! It gives me such a boost to get through yoga .. and helps with the joint pain from my Addisons! Your product is a gift and a blessing"
Jamie. Great Smoky Mountain, TN
*While the team at Oh!mino is happy to hear how Oh!mino is transforming lives, Oh!mino is not a drug and is not intended to replace any medical guidance directed by a health care practitioner. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
The statements above have not been review by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.
Results of using this product vary based numerous variables with individuals.
Meet Darren
Thanks Oh Mino for making retaining muscle at 54 possible!
Meet Pete
I did get my Ohmino and TRX in before I left. Still enjoying the benefits of Oh!Mino. I'm right at 8 weeks into the workouts with this Amazing supplement. I just ordered more and added the capsules to enhance consumption/performance/results. I'm a believer for sure!