Cycling and Muscle Strength
Support your cycling performance with our sports nutrition pre-workout essential amino acid formula
If you are an adventurous soul, desperate to materialize your body strength in the genre of cycling — this piece is written for you. If your goal is to make an impact in cycling sports and you desire the motivation to keep moving forward, not only on the roads but also in life, you deserve the best guide and the best path.
Let Oh!Mino Be Your Guide to Optimal Performance with Optimized Essential Amino Acids.
Cyclists Deserve the Best — Achieve This With BCAA Health
As a roadie, be it about acing a criterium or hitting a century — this all boils down to one basic factor — your muscle strength. Undoubtedly, the investment in your body strength and muscle build-up is the most important asset you will ever acknowledge as a cyclist. The more you care about how your muscles are nurtured for every new challenge in the bicycle racing, the more you realize the importance of a wholesome diet and a healthy lifestyle.
Cyclists thrive on muscle building — primarily the muscles of the thighs, the hamstrings, the calf muscles, and the overall ligament strength of all the lower limb joints. It is very obvious to appreciate the amount of drill and force required for the constant peddling of a professional racing bike while attacking the competitors on road or climbing a hill. As painstaking as it might seem, a well-built muscle bulk can easily take care of this ordeal; the whole strategy being the basic stamina building of your body, and that stamina sprouts from the regular exercise sessions focused on the wisely groomed muscles.

Winning is the Only Option
Honestly speaking, bonking or being honey bottle isn’t cool in front of the whole cycling community; especially when it comes to professional, world-class cycling competitions, you just cannot afford to hit the wall. Technically, when a cyclist runs out of energy, it is because the basic storage reservoirs of his muscles have been depleted to an extent that they cannot supply fuel to the blood through metabolism anymore. Furthermore, the bulk of a muscle is majorly constituted upon proteins, which are further made up of small building blocks called amino acids. When your body doesn’t get the required quantity of these amino acids to generate an adequate chunk of proteins, the muscle strength is compromised. And, that is where the whole protein diet prerequisite for professional athletes makes sense.
As a professional cyclist or a hill climbing icon, you are almost always on the hook. To sustain the energy with every push on the wheels, you ought to do much more than just practice. And when you think of what is included in thinking beyond regular exercise, the most impactful factor that must land in your mind is your diet. Literally, it is what you eat that defines how your body will look and work. Once you have realized the importance of proteins as the most essential ingredient for building muscle strength, your whole focus now should be on the foods that are rich in it.
The Best Performance Supplement for Cycling
Making protein supplements a regular part of your diet is a very common practice among the athletes all around the world. For very obvious reasons, the hardcore athletes, particularly cyclists in this scenario, are the ultimate deserving candidates for purest forms of supplements that enhance the muscle strength and function to meet their tough professional needs. While there are dozens of options in the market e.g. Protein powders (like whey protein) and branched chain amino acids (BCAA), athletes are seen complaining about one or the other side effect of most of these dietary supplements.
Oh!mino®Muscle Synthesis Activator
In light of the rapidly increasing needs of bikers for muscle strength building, we have come up with the best protein diet supplement; Oh!mino® Muscle Synthesis Activator. What’s different about this product is the fact that it contains no sugar, carbs, or calories and purely supplies essential amino acids needed for the muscles to gain strength. It not only balances electrolytes for better muscle performance but also increases the muscle synthesis up to 20 times as compared to regular BCAA’s (11 times more than protein). By increasing the endurance in the muscles, this magical product can help bikers go aero in a jiffy.
Quick Tip: For century rides, mix Oh!mino® Muscle Synthesis Activator with your favorite juice!
Why Oh!mino®?
Muscle injuries and other complications are very common among the cyclists because of their strenuous workouts in the gyms, forceful exertion during hill climbing and vigorous cycling on the plain roads. Never has the muscle recovery among cycling athletes been as fast as it is with Oh!mino® Muscle Synthesis Activator. This performance supplement is tailor-made to reduce muscle inflammation due to high-intensity training because it compensates for the lost proteins at a much rapid rate than other supplements in the market*. Moreover, if you are a vegetarian and abhor meat and dairy products as sources of protein, Oh!mino® Muscle Synthesis Activator comes in handy due to its vegan-friendly and non-dairy nature.
So this time, pack up your gear and go all in. Be not afraid to lose energy during a time trial and attack with full muscle force during the rides. Oh!mino® Muscle Synthesis Activator is here to take care of your body through the provision of optimized amino acids essential for massive protein synthesis. Remember, you are a champion and your life is all about flying in the air. Live your ideal sports life with Oh!mino® Muscle Synthesis Activator.
*This statement hasn't been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease